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"Get Hooked on West Virginia"

Barnegat Light Fishing Club

Group Info:

Name:  Barnegat Light Fishing Club


For all who fish the Barnegat inlet
Barnegat Bay and all of LBI.
Pier, Surf, Jetty and boat.
All levels of experience welcome.
Learning, Teaching, Sharing info.
No attitudes here just good times and good people.


The measure of a fisherman is not in the size of the catch but in the size of the desire to repeat the adventure.


Bob Jones

Leon Checinski

Mike Biagi

Kevin Mitchell

John Davis Jr

Matthew Brodzinski

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04/15/17 12:00 PM
Hello everyone it's just about striper
time. I usually get a few nice ones out
at the lighthouse every year so I am looking forward to catching some cows
this year. Hope to see you out there.

03/21/17 03:59 PM
Spring is here and it's almost time
for stripers and bluefish.
Bring it on I can't wait.

01/16/16 06:23 PM
Jan. 16th and there are fish breaking the
surface all over the bay.
That's a rare site. I love it.
Cmon spring.

04/04/14 10:49 PM
There will be a lot going on this year in the Barnegat Inlet. Dredging and the repair of the north jetty. It will be going on all summer and boats will not be able to fish the inlet. It will be interesting to see how it effects the fishing off the south jetty.

11/08/13 08:42 AM
They are killin em out in the boats just a bit off shore. There are some big Stripers out there. I cant wait for them to get into the surf. I think its just about ready to break wide open.

10/11/13 02:41 PM
Went out today, horrible weather great fishing, big blues and actually a few respectable bass belive it or not. Going out again soon, may get a few nice fish, so glad the fish are beggining to show. Tight lines!!!

10/03/13 10:15 PM
Got out there again today only had about 2 hours to fish. I got 3 Blues and 1 Fluke.
Man I love that inlet.

09/27/13 07:28 PM
I fished the Barnegat inlet again today for the 2nd day in a row. 2 days of fishing about 27 fish caught. I am not complaining about that.

09/27/13 12:56 AM
I fished the jetty today out by the lighthouse. Lots of Bluefish in the inlet.
As long as the tide was moving they were
hitting. TIGHT LINES

Misc Info

Group Created By:

Date Established:
Sep 27, 2013

Type: Public
Visibility: NJ
# Members: 6
Views: 13699

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