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"Get Hooked on West Virginia"

Fishing with Kids

Group Info:

Name:  Fishing with Kids


If you fish with kids, under teenage, join this group. Let's talk about locations to bring the kids, fun stories, their "big one".




james hogrell

Bill G

Peter Gill

David Lozzi


Jesse Bowers

Dan Dunbar

Christopher grandmaison

Rob C

David Aiello

william porter

Tim Aponte

Rhonda Maez

rick wojcik

Tony Aiello

Richard DiPiro

wayne Dunnebier

Tricia Sibley

gregory buffington

J.R. Santiago

Victor Cairns

Terrence Boylan

joe m

Todd Rose

View all 27 members

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04/20/12 03:23 PM
There's a kids Fishing derby in Norwood on Saturday April 21 2012. from 3-5 on Washington st. almost on Walpole line

09/17/10 10:06 PM
Is there any more kids fishing derby's before the cold weather comes? If so could someone write to me. Thanks

09/16/10 10:45 PM
My 3 year olds first bass out of sudbury river. reeled it in all by himself.

08/08/10 07:57 AM
Took the son out yesterday. Hell of a day.

09/25/09 05:45 PM
Wanted to drop an update from our derby. It is quiet in here guys!

We had over 80 people stop by, some from Mafishfinder.com as well. It was a great event and I think everyone had a good time.

08/14/09 07:52 PM
hello all! this is greatmy son will enjoy this site he is 10 he ask me if i could take him carp fishing !!!!! want a BIG FISH!!

08/09/09 10:18 PM
Hey folks wanted to drop a picture of this past weekend in which Smokey the Bear turned 65! Blackstone Carp had a presence there as well to promote our up coming Derby, September 13th, open to all ages and fishing skill. Check out www.blackstonecarp.com under the events section for more details.

06/05/09 06:42 PM
We found a great spot that has a lot to do for the kids once they get board with fishing. the pond in in north reading Mass.
you can boat or fish from that beach. The name of the pond is Maritns pond and there is a web site martinspond.org The kids were catching smallies and sunfish.

05/23/09 09:34 PM
I am looking for a new spot to get out with my boy and my new boat. I am having trouble finding places that are not to far from Revere that I can put my boat in the water. most of the places around here do not allow boats with gas motors. can anyone help

05/15/09 09:05 PM
Hay all.. I wanted to join as I am a volunteer in parks here in Ma and as such host a carp derby for all ages, a few workshops through the summer at River bend farm in Uxbridge and help out with other things.

For instance May 24th the Ri bikeway patrol is having a ride and fish day (http://www.blackstonebikewaypatrol.org/calendar/view/3/13.html )

and may 31st River bend farm (http://www.mass.gov/dcr/parks/central/blst.htm ) is having a fishing clinic open to any age.

So yeah just a heads up and I will try to make announcements of upcoming things on this site.

04/10/09 12:30 AM
Hi everyone, Just took my 4yr old out fishing for the first time this yr. on a small brook that looked good. It didn't go that bad, I did the tight quartes casting and she reeled in. No bites just smiles!

04/03/09 08:52 PM
Hey Dave, I don't know of any lakes or ponds in mass where you can rent a boat from somewhere close to the waterbody and swim in it as well. However, I do know that you can rent a boat for very cheap for an entire day for only about $30 at the Quabbin Reservoir. And if you check the MA. state records on www.masswildlife.com you'll see that it's the biggest lake/pond/reservoir in Mass as well as one of the top 3 water bodies to fish overall in the state as it holds a few state records in Mass and trophy size fish are being caught there annually. You can not swim there but you really can't find any water bodies in the state that even come close when comparing the quality of fishing in Massachusetts with the only exceptions being the Wachusett Reservoir and The Connecticut River!

03/22/09 04:03 PM
We also have a 2 year old daughter but they are not beach girls. Are you fishing off a boat or off the shore? We are beginners but we are getting better every year and learning more and more.

03/22/09 04:01 PM
My five year old son and I have a great time at lake attitash in merrimac ma right outside of amesbury ma. We have a trip on this site its an easy lake to launch and there is a sandy beach o hang out and swim.

07/27/08 09:58 PM
I'm looking for a great fishing place for my 4 year old son and I to fish as well as a place my wife and 2 year old daughter can swim. I'm looking for a place that we might be able to rent a boat as well. I'm in north east mass, but don't mind going cross state for a good day trip. Let me know

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Date Established:
Jul 27, 2008

Type: Public
Visibility: MA
# Members: 27
Views: 32794

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