I bought some wondering just how well it was, I will say this. I will never spool a reel again without it.At first I though it was somewhat expensive, I think I paid 8 or 9 doallars for a 4oz bottle but after using it i see you only need a couple sprays per spool so I tihnk it will probably last me a long time. It takes almost all of the memory out of the line and makes it cast exceptinally well on a spinning reel. I didn't notice and residue that it had left behind. the bottle does claim that it reduces line twist but I am unsure yet whether or not it actually does that. If you are ever in the market for line conditioner give it a try, I would bet you won't be disappointed. I uasually fish with Low-vis green line and I think that it may have taken some of the color out of it but I will loose alittle color for the other good stuff.
Posted Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:27 am