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Pumpkinseed Comments

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User: baystateangler
Comment: Although they're sunfish they have beautiful colors and are good for beginners.
Date: 04/27/15 08:18 PM

User: 413fisher
Comment: caught a few of these today they can put up a some what of a fight but i agree with fisherman98 great for begginers
Date: 05/30/12 08:11 PM

User: fisherman98
Comment: Just like bluegill these fish are great for beginners!
Date: 05/30/12 02:20 AM

User: ras0326
Comment: the fish are so easy to catch, but so small
Date: 02/21/12 10:22 PM

User: timmeh
Comment: these guys put up a big fight and can be okay in size here's one of mine

Date: 08/09/11 03:33 PM

User: smac531
Comment: these guys are alot stronger than bluegill but there are less of them
Date: 07/07/10 06:25 PM

User: davetroy
Comment: The coloration of pumpkinseed sunfish is one of the most vibrant of any fish in fresh water. It ranges from olive-green to brown, yellow, green and blue on the top and sides. The breast and belly are usually a light color such as cream, white or yellow and occasionally orange.

Many people consider the meat to be a worthy meal, though their small size means it can take several to satisfy an appetite. This size issue is a limiting factor in its popularity as a sport fish.

Generally they will stay near the shore and can be found in substantial numbers in shallow, protected areas. Pumpkinseed tend to travel in schools and are more likely than other sunfish to be found in moving water.
Date: 05/19/10 08:02 PM

User: linkmak
Comment: great fish for kids due to the easy catchability.. but personaly i hate every one of these things... seen a guy catch at lest 30 of them in like an hour yesterday
Date: 04/27/10 12:33 PM

User: truckie45
Comment: This was my daughters first fish she caught at age 3. She loved it and now loves fishiong.
Date: 02/26/10 04:46 PM

User: smokecity

Date: 05/18/09 02:44 AM

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