
dave henderson

Massachusetts, USA
Member since April 16th, 2012

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Tonight started off much like many nights this yr. this year has been a trying one for me. More big fish lost than caught. Was tossing my favorite soft bait when I felt a familiar tap I waited twitched it then wham! A smile grew on my face as I heard my drag sing. This was a good fish! 30 sec later my line goes limp 10lb braid sliced clean just my luck this yr. Shortly after I hear huge splash fish trying to shake my hook out I guess. After that huge let down its getting lose to dusk. I wonder down path further and decide it is topwater time and yes it was! 3 consecutive casts 3 bass! Many more to follow just slamming it the minute it hit the water! I just love watching these fish maul top water baits! I even caught a white perch! Biggest Larry 2lbs but caught quite a few in that range. Only two downers it got dark real fast n had to leave fish biting and surprisingly no smallies

Posted 8 years ago

Decided to hit up my favorite lake. Slow rolled a craw pattern square bill and got a couple nice ones. Was glad to feel the weight of a solid possible 4lb 19 in bass on other end of my line. Earliest I've ever fished her. I'm going to get a pin bass from here I can feel it!

Posted 25 years ago

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After breaking my usuall late July-August slump with 2 2lbers the other week.Decided to try my spook out got my first savage hit the other jumped its whole length out of water after it and still somehow mangaged to miss.After that heart pounding action had to get back out next night.Decided to hit a spot on a lake I fish farely often that I had never fished.Walked down a long path to a nice looking spot in between an Island.Nothing but a dink off a senko.Spook wasn't doing anything so decided to put it away til later and cast senko while i still had light.Started working my way back when I decided I had to stop and give this nice open spot with surrounding downed trees and brush a try.Well cast into all those typical bass holding spots nothing. Said what the heck toss it deep maybe some underwater structure or a deep drop off.The minute it hits the water see that familiar dash to the right have a hit. I rear back and set the hook.Fish on!Can tell right away this is no Tomato Can she's a contender!Starts pulling drag right out of the gate.Fish dives deep and refuses to show itself.Keep the pressure on knowing hook can fall out any minute(I crush the barbs less harm to fish)fish finally getting closer I see that giant swirl that only lunkers make.She sees me and runs again rod is bent in half.I'm doing all I can to steer her away from brush and rocks.One last run and she is on her side and done drag her in so I can lip her.Phew notice she is barely hooked.Measure her out at 20in long and 13-14in girth wanted to get her in the water so girth may be more. My guess a little over 5lbs. As always best part watching her swim away none the worse after some reviving.Maybe my luck is finally turning!Look out Chu I'm coming for you!

Posted 11 years ago

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After going out the day before and getting skunked at my local lake,was itching to get back out there and redeem myself. Aem got 2 and me nothing embarrassing to say the least ha ha.So went out last night around 6.Don't know if it was the different spot I went to or just a day later but baitfish and fish in general a lot more active.Caught a couple of nice larrys right away got that skunk off my back! Bite slowed so moved to my honey hole.Lost a small one first cast then bite slowed again.Saw a nice jump to the right of me right off the end of a tree branch.Precision cast right to the spot and bam she took it!Nice 4lber sweet!Couple more small ones then decided to try new color yum dinger I bought.Cajun neon.Daylight was fading fast and was just about to change to crank bait for better vibration in dark.Whip cast out as far as I can(at spot I was fishing know 2 small submerged islands out deep and the fish hang near them) Bam! Fish on 3ft jump through the air and I knew what it was and what kinda fight I was in for!Epic battle with at least 3 more jumps with tail dancing across the water this fish did not want to give up!Got her in she would run back out.Back n forth we went.Thought for sure she would throw the hook because I crushed the barb so less damage for fish.Finally I get her in.Guess her to be around 3.5 my pb mass smallie.I know not huge but man can those fish fight and that is the largest I've seen taken out of this body of water.I do think there are larger ones in here but it is shore fishing only and hard to find them.

Posted 11 years ago

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Get a call from fishngolf asking if I could make it out to his honey hole and of course I said hell yeah.Made the half hour drive to his little slice of paradise.Private small pond that led into a larger private lake with lots of slop loved it the minute I laid eyes on it.My first time froggin had a feeling I was going to love it and I did.Started off slow so I alternated back and forth with my binky the senko and the frog.Banged my senko off a rock on an island nailed a small pickerel when it fell in the water.Cruised around to a fallen pine tree and I plopped my frog where I knew it had to be.Swoosh giant swirl frog was gone I heave back.Damn jumped the gun missed it.Had a nice like 3lb bass on Senko but bass jumped and shook hooks.Landed a small bass on another cast.Fishngolf nailed a small perch walking the dog with a lure that was bigger than the fish ha ha.Fishngolf had numerous thunderous hits on the frog but either jumped the gun or fish missed the bait.Finally I got smashed again and said to myself after watching fishngolf pull the trigger to early I would wait and sure enough finally landed my first froggin bass nice healthy 2lber and he had that frog halfway down his throat.Fishngolf pulled it out with the pliers and he took off like a bat out of hell.I think like 2 casts later another big strike I wait,set the hook,fish on for a few minutes til the damn pickerel cut my line clean off by by frog!Darn only got to use it one day.Great time though thanks fishngolf the structure at that bass factory was unreal can't wait to hit it again sometime!And love froggin the slop!

Posted 11 years ago

Decide to go out for a couple of casts at my local lake.Hit a spot that I've just fished a couple of times.Start out throwing a shallow diving crank and nail a nice pick.Hooked it through upper and lower jaw so tricky unhook well as luck would have it the feisty devil shakes hook into one finger grr guess I need my pliers try again shakes hooks into finger on other hand then slices my finger on teeth now I'm a bloody mess finally unhook her and set her free thankfully she is unharmed unlike me!Note to self bring band aids from now on.Hit a few other spots couple bites but nothing sticks.Something in my gut tells me to take the 5 minute ride to my honey hole. Hadn't fished it in awhile cause early in year may have been to cold and it was slow.Decide to switch back to my go to senko cause thats usually what they wan't there.First cast bingo 3lb larry. Caught a 4 and what had to be close to a 5 they where so fat their anuses where oozing with what could no longer fit in their stomachs in all caught almost a 20lb bag limit!Nice to see my honey hole back seems kind of late for spawn but maybe that's what they were doing.Either that or they have recovered from spawn and the blitz is on!

Posted 11 years ago

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Decided to reward myself for getting house work and yard work done time to hit the Sud.Things had been slow but they were picking up.Been trying to figure out where the fish are has been a challenge.One day they are there next day nothing.Just started seeing sunfish and bass cruising the shore so knew it wouldn't be long but where are the smallies?Finally one of my honey holes pays off with a nice 2lb sally.Knew it right away as she jumped 3 times.Had a previous war wound on her chunk of dorsal fin missing prob from fight with a big pick caught a 3lber other day close to same spot.Not many bites after that so moved to corner of a cove shallow with a small creek running into it 5 casts in a row bass every cast only little over a lb but good action and then a baby smallie.Just about time to go and I hook a nice one head comes up out of the water she gives the old shake it up and poof out comes the hook.Would have been happy with just the smallie been searching all month for them.Caught 2 2lb larry's the other day so looks like game on.Only matter of time before the big ones come lurking.

Posted 11 years ago

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Maybe I should hire Curt Schilling to reverse my curse at Watchusett can't seem to catch a break.Plus I hear he needs the money!Hit the Chu with my good friend Muskie.Arrived around 4:30 headed down to spot around 5.Crisp Cold morning not what you would expect for late April but hey that is the way this spring is going.Not much wind relatively calm for the Chu. Around 5:30 or so first action.Shooting the breeze when I look down at my pole bouncing around. At first thought it was the 6in live perch I had on there but then my pole started being pulled toward the water.Looked at trip indicator before picking up pole and thought that was strange not even tripped.Pulled back to cross the eyes and a huge smallie goes air born!Seconds later by by smallie another near miss.Had to be all of 5lbs that was a huge perch but guess I will never know.Had another nice run and couple other trips but nothing like that freight train!My heart didnt stop pounding and hands were shaking for like an hour.

Muskie: Lets start by stating that using a 2 1/2 oz NON LEAD Weight (BHB/MAT) and a Live bait around 6+ inches and casting that out into water anywhere from 6 -70 ft deep and then when the line goes out, and having to wait for the weight to catch up, is not the easiest thing to do, sounds like old hat but Mono acts different than the Braid.

So here we go, Here is the SECRET:Live Yellow Perch!
3-7 inches, if you have to ask then don't even try!! End of story

430 and Badlarry is on time, with his Rods, this time. hahaha 455 we cast out and go thru the regular ribbinz, This is a great site we all belong to, and Guys like Badlarry and AEM make it great to fish with other members, who also have thier own GREAT SPOTS!!

5:25am and Badlarry's rod is trying to jump in the water, not cause the clip is tight or the Bait is huge but the Rod Tip is FROZEN hahaha We both scramble to let the line out when we hear and see a HUGE Smallie, finally the first sign of a real wachusett smallie, come right out of the water. Almost pulled bad larry in the water, couple of gooood pulls and then puuuf, crap, nooooooooooooo. Then, that was awesome!!!!!! Even without the Fish, we both were speechless, and no hey you missed it or any making fun of. That made my morning and I 'm sure Badlarry's too. That Fish was going on his wall but had other plans instead.

Always great to fish with fellow members and maybe your luck changes on thursday, maybe

Posted 11 years ago

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Hit the Sud around dusk lake was calm in some parts choppy in others.Calm sections around shore line big fly hatch and baby kivas(sunfish) sucking them down like no tomorrow.Saw my first full size sunfish of the year.Thought the fishing would be great but only one bite no fish.Still good to see activity again.Place where I caught five tuesday nothing today.They will show themselves soon just have to find where they are spawning.

Posted 11 years ago

Sun was warm wind was not.Good chop on the water.Hit the water around 11.Ended up just catching one decent rainbow off a countdown perch pattern.Friends battery ran out of juice had to row to shore and cut trip short. At least I didn't get skunked.Bad day for him no fish and he had to row to shore ha ha!But hey out on the lake beats working.

Posted 11 years ago

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