
tom Carrier

willimantic, Connecticut, USA
Member since May 20th, 2007
i am a heavy equipment operator,avid outdoorsmen hunting,fishing,trapping.married 3 step sons, 8 grandkids

General Info

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Saltwater and Freshwater
Favorite Lures
storm swim shad,hairs ear
Fishing Rods
Fishing Reels
Fishing Techniques
put the line in the water
Favorite Fishing Spot
norwich harbor,thames river,halls pond,natchuage river
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tom Carrier's Latest Reports

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met with gregg and bob for either blue or stripers.didnt find any stripers but found some nice blues

Posted 15 years ago

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we met up with lundrunner,at 450 at the home depot in waterford,jumped in his truck and headed out,i brought a friend with me,mike.we arrived at barn island around 530.there wasnt as many peaple there,as i thought there would be,being a holiday weekend.
we started by heading up the pawcatuck river where gregg has had good luck in the past.this being my first time in the area,i was no help on suggesting spots.the firstpoint we were at,gregg had a swirl at his sluggo,i had a coulpe bumps,mike had nothing,we haed to another area,with no luck.then gregg said we will try the hog pen.i have heard of the hog pen from reading other post,just never knew where it was.we can around sandy point and was heading to the pen,i spotted some birds circling around up near the end of the break wall.i watched them for a few mins to see what they were doing,yep they were working,i pointed them out to gregg and we headed over.when we got to them the birds were leaveing,great we missed it,as i was grabbing my rod ,one jump by the boat.made a cast,FISH ON,ended up being a short 27 inches,gregg and mike made casts,FISH ON, doubles,shorts.after netting thier fish i made another cast,FISH ON,this one felt good,keeper 29 inches.after that they moved,we moved around,casting with no luck.gregg said we would troll around,to see if we could find gregg thew out a line,i grabbed my boat rod and mike sat and watched,we made a pass,gregg get one,as i realing up to geat out of te way,i get one,another double.shorts26-27 inches.i told mike he should put a line out,but he didnt have any lure,this is his first time fishing stripers with lures and plastics,he is a chunk fishermen,so i gave him an eel lure.we start moveing again,made a circle FISH ON,mike gets one,gets it to the boat,nice keeper 34 inches.we ended up boating 30 fish,losing 6-7,and 4 keepers. around 8-10 being doubles gregg called it at 11,te wind was picking up,and it was getting rough,we were starting to feel like the ss minnow

Posted 15 years ago

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met lundrunner at 530,fog was in thick,stayed close to shore untill it lifted,gregg had a schoolie make a pass at his lure,ended up with a 11 lb carp

Posted 15 years ago

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went to bibbins pond sat morn,got the at 5 30 am.stood on the dam so i could get a good backcast..i first started with a sinking line with a small black woolybugger,used that for a half hour with no takers.i switched over to the floating line with a strike indcator,and a hares ear.i picked up a nice crappie,then a bluegill,and a couple more crappies.i stayed there until 7 30 .i was going to te natchaug river,but on the way i was passing twin ponds,so i decided to swing in.i havent been there for a couple years.twin ponds is just a couple holes in the woods,alittle hike to get there.still haveing the strike indecator on with the hares ear,on the first cast.i land a nice brown
made another get a smaller brown
in all i landed 7 browns,took two home for dinner

Posted 15 years ago

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got to the river at 6.15,surpisingly no one was the there.there were some fish breaking both up and down river.i fished downriver openning day,so i decieded to go above the bridge this took an hour befor i landed a fish,had many misses,they were hitting very lite.i ended up landind 2 back to back and that was it.left at 8;30 to due some yardwork

Posted 15 years ago

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too a while but found the stripers up in the yantic river

Posted 16 years ago

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great day,2 guys in the group placed

Posted 16 years ago

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50 degrees,fished 8-10 feet ,13 inches of ice,fished from 7-12 am lots of action for first hour anda half then died down

Posted 16 years ago

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